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  • Basic Level I - Phase 1 - 4 (7 Lesson Bundle)
    In this series you will learn the basic fundamentals of Chicago Style Steppin in 4 phases. Each Phase builds on the previous phase. We address different aspects of the dance as it relates to the woman's role, turns, footwork & movement and the man's basic footwork, role, turns and overall understanding of dance.


6 & 8 Count Unmasked (BONUS)

Phase 1- Regular Basics 

Phase 2 - Modified Regular Basics 

Phase 3 - Basic Turns 

Phase 4 - (Part 1) Ladies Footwork 

Phase 4 - (Part 2) Additional Turns Routine 

Phase 4 - (Part 3) Men's Movement I (Footwork 1) 

Phase 4 - (Part 4) Men's Movement I (Footwork 2) 

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  • Basic Level II - Phase 5 (2 Lesson Bundle)
    In this series you will learn the basics of couple's dancing in Chicago Style Steppin in two phases. You will learn how to quick start dancing, flowing together in the dance, and how to communicate the turns non-verbally. By the time you finish this phase you will actually be dancing Chicago Style with your partner and getting your step on!


Phase 5 - (Part 1) Quick Start & Partner Turns

Phase 5 - (Part 2) Partner Turns Continuation


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  • Intermediate Level I - Phase 6 - 9 (7 Lesson Bundle)
    In this series you will be taught lesson phases 6 - 7. You have completed the basics level and now you are prepared to move into the intermediate level. Intermediate Level I will prepare you to add more structure to your dancing. You will begin to be a little more technical and formal thereby adding class and sophistication to the couples dance experience. You will be taught some techniques to make your footwork more advanced than it was on the basic level. You will learn how to formally initiate the dance. Both men and women will be given a set up basic rules to keep as focus to ensure a fun and smooth dancing experience. You will also learn floor etiquette to prepare you for dancing in the social setting and finally, you will be shown how to dance as a couple and build your confidence.


Phase 6 - (Part 1) Ladies Footwork II

Phase 6 - (Part 2) Men s Movement II Footwork

Phase 6 - (Part 3) The Formal Start

Phase 7 - (Part 1) Women s Rules

Phase 7 - (Part 2) Men s Rules

Phase 8 - Floor Etiquette

Phase 9 - Couple s Confidence Builder Routine




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In this series you will be taught all the intermediate lessons included in phases 10 - 24. You have completed the basics level I & II and Intermediate Level I, now you will be able. Those levels gave you a solid foundation to build on and some basic intermediate elements to prepare for success as a transitional dancer. These lessons will begin to elevate you as an intermediate female or lead dancer and expand your catalog of executable moves. Review the phase list and descriptions for specific details on what will be learned in each phase. Once the lesson is purchased and downloaded, it will remain as a part of your library as well as save to your hard drive.


Phase 10 - (Part ) 1 1/2 Turn Travel Right On 5 6

Phase 10 - (Part 2) Arm Tuck Right On 5 6

Phase 10 - (Part 3) Hip Swivel Right On 5 6

Phase 10 - (Part 4) Cradle Right On 5 6

Phase 10 - (Part 5) Hammerlock Right On 5 6

Phase 10 - (Part 6) The John Special

Phase 11 - (Part 1) One Hand Barrel Roll

Phase 11 - Part 2) One Hand Barrel Roll II

Phase 11 -(Part 3) One Hand Barrel Roll III

Phase 12 - (Part 1) Two Hand Barrel Roll I

Phase 12 - (Part 2 )Two Hand Barrel Roll II

Phase 12 - (Part 3) Two Hand Barrel Roll III

Phase 13 - (Part 1) The Pat A Cake I

Phase 13 - (Part 2) The Pat A Cake II

Phase 13 - (Part 3) 1/2 Turn Travel Pat A Cake I

Phase 13 - (Part 4) 1/2 Turn Travel Pat A Cake II

Phase 14 - (Part 1) Cradle Right On 4

Phase 14 - (Part 2) Cradle Double Right On 4

Phase 15 - (Part 1) Fly Away 1 1 2 Left

Phase 15 - (Part 2) Fly Away 1 1 2 Left Right 5 6

Phase 16 Left Turn Underarm Swing

Phase 17 - (Part 1) Extended Right Walk Around I

Phase 17 - (Part 2) Extended Right Walk Around II

Phase 18 - (Part 1) The Janetta Stroll

Phase 18 - (Part 2) Lover s Stroll I

Phase 18 - (Part 3) Lover s Stroll II

Phase 18 - (Part 4) Popping On 6

Phase 18 - (Part 5) Pop Around

Phase 19 - (Part 1) Side Rockers

Phase 19 - (Part 2) Rock The Cradle Release Front

Phase 19 - (Part 3) Rock The Cradle Release Back

Phase 20 - (Part 1) Whip Across 1 1 2

Phase 20 - (Part 2) Whip Across 2 1 2

Phase 20 - (Part 3) Crossing 1 1 2 Left Turn

Phase 20 - (Part 4) Crossing 2 1 2 Left Turn

Phase 21 - (Part 1) Escort Left Turn

Phase 21 - (Part 2) Walk Around Left Turn

Phase 21 - (Part 3) Hook Curl Left Turn

Phase 21 - (Part 4) Tap Left On 6 Left Turn

Phase 22 - (Part 1) Fake Right

Phase 22 - (Part 2) Fake Right Lead Right

Phase 22 - (Part) 3 Fake Right 1 1/2 Lead Right

Phase 22 - (Part) 4 Fake Right Lead Left

Phase 22 - (Part) 5 Fake Right 1 1/2 Lead Left

Phase 23 - (Part 1) The Lead Step Through

Phase 23 - (Part 2) Tuck Uncoil 1/2 Turn Reverse

Phase 23 - (Part 3) Push Off Pull Across

Phase 23 - (Part 4) Push Pull Rocking Chair

Phase 23 - (Part 5) Open Swing Out Pullback

Phase 24 - (Part 1) Hip Swivel Double Left

Phase 24 - (Part 2) Hip Swivel Double Right

Phase 24 - (Part 3) 1 2 Reverse Hip Swivel Right

Phase 24 - (Part 4) The Swivel Walk

Intermediate Level II - Phase 10 - 12 Po
Intermediate Level II - Phase 13 - 15 Po
Intermediate Level II - Phase 16 - 18 po
Intermediate Level II - Phase 19 - 20 Po
Intermediate Level II - Phase 21 - 22 Po
Intermediate Level II - Phase 23 - 24 Po

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  • Advanced Level I - 33 Lesson Bundle
    In this series you will learn how to execute 5 direction change moves in Phase 25 that will be helpful in changing directions without breaking the flow between you and your partner and Phase 26 (Parts 1 - 7) will introduce you to a series of moves that repeat part of the count before you get to the reset point. This is often executed by the lead will connecting advanced combinations. Phase 25 (Parts 1 – 5) will allow you to change the lane direction from a north and south flow to an east and west one. Phase 25 (Part 5) will allows you to flip the lane from the home position 180 degrees behind the lady moving in the opposite direction. This means you will still be flowing north and south only you will be one full lane distance up from where you were dancing previously. All of these moves allow you to adjust to interruptions caused by other dancers who may encroach upon your lane or for the lead to protect the lady who he is dancing with from colliding with someone who is her blind spots. These combinations are rooted in the basic turn patterns for the ladies with slight modifications. In this series you will also learn how to execute 11 moves that initiate from a hard left. These combinations are rooted in the basic hard left turn patterns for the ladies with slight modifications to execute it in combination with the overall move. The lead will be taught how to hand communicate and execute each combination properly.


Phase 25 - (Part 1) Direction Change Guided 1/4 

Phase 25 - (Part 2) Direction Change Guided 3/4 

Phase 25 - (Part 3) Direction Change Cradle 3/4 

Phase 25 - (Part 4) Direction Change Cradle 1 1/4 

Phase 25 - (Part 5) Direction Change 5 6 Curl Back 

Phase 26 - (Part 1) The Amy Stroll 

Phase 26 - (Part 2) On 6 Triple Left Double Curl 

Phase 26 - (Part 3) The Hot Spicy Tango Walk 

Phase 26 - (Part 4) The Carousel 

Phase 26 - (Part 5) On 6 Left 1/2 Turn Reverse 

Phase 26 - (Part 6) On 6 Left Hip Stop Pop 

Phase 26 - (Part 7) On 6 1/2 Reverse Left Turn 

Phase 27 - (Part 1) Basic Hard Left 

Phase 27 - (Part 2) Fiddler John Lovers Stroll 

Phase 27 - (Part 3) Hard Left Crossing 1 1/2 Right 

Phase 27 - (Part 4) Catch Release 

Phase 27 - (Part 5) That There 

Phase 27 - (Part 6) Hard Left Barrel Roll 

Phase 27 - (Part 7) The Lasso 

Phase 27 - (Part 8) The Gerald Levert 

Phase 27 - (Part 9) The Mobalizer 

Phase 27 - (Part 10) Hard Left Crossbow Dip 

Phase 28 - (Part 1) The Sweet Tea 

Phase 28 - (Part 2) The Jelly Bean 

Phase 28 - (Part 3) 1/2 Turn Hammerlock 

Phase 28 - (Part 4) 1/2 Turn H lock Double Rt On 4 

Phase 28 - (Part 5) 1/2 Turn H Lock Reverse Spin 

Phase 28 - (Part 6) Row The Boat 

Phase 28 - (Part 7) Synchronized Sweep Turn 

Phase 28 - (Part 8) 1/2 Turn Travel Both Turn Rt 

Phase 28 - (Part 9) Chain Reaction 

Phase 28 - (Part 10) Cradle Chain Reaction 

Phase 28 - (Part 11) Hip Swivel Chain Reaction 



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Available Student Progress Trackers

Basic & Intermediate Level Tracker

Advanced Level Tracker

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